The amazing 6 MONTH Fertility Meal Plan to compliment the Healthy Fertility Diet ebook!
Here you will find
six months of gluten and dairy free meal plans. Each meal plan comes with a grocery list and guide on how to meal prep for the week.
What you will get:
Six Months of Meal Plans For You: Designed to improve insulin sensitivity, promote healthy weight loss, reduce inflammation, and improve hormonal balance.
Grocery List for Each Week: Don't worry about going through every recipe and trying to piece things together, the grocery lists are included!
Father of Medicine, Hippocrates said,
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.”
Your body is like a fine automobile. Imagine you have a Maserati Ghibli (my favorite car by the way). Now, this is a $75,000 vehicle. Now imagine the beauty, the luxury of this fine automobile. Would you allow someone to eat inside this vehicle? Would you allow just anyone to work on this vehicle? Would you put the cheapest gas in this vehicle? Would you allow cheap oil to go in this vehicle? No, you would only allow the very best for this fine automobile! And only very few trusted individuals would be allowed to even touch this fine automobile, let alone work on it! And just let somebody even think about eating in this fine automobile! You would guard it with your life. You would take excellent care of this fine automobile. Why? Because of the value it holds.
So how much more valuable is your human body, that you can not replace?? It was given to you for free, but it is nothing short of priceless. You only get one body, one chance at being the best ‘You’ you can be in this one life you have got! The most valuable things in life are indeed free – your life, your body, your time, your family, your friends, love, happiness. But we often take these things for granted. We put higher value on material things that can be replaced. We have the opportunity now today to change this. This guide will focus on your healing foundation.
We have to get our bodies right, so the baby can follow! Now, this is not a complex or restrictive diet plan. This is all very much true to human nature. We just have to get back to basics.
“Provided one has the correct level of vitamin, mineral, and nutritional input, the body can overcome disease.” ~ Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Winner)
(55 page ebook)