
The Hidden Costs of IVF: heartbreak, health ris...

In medical school, I was taught to first ask patients about the symptoms that brought them in (i.e. chief complaint and review of systems). Instead, the approach of the infertility...

The Hidden Costs of IVF: heartbreak, health ris...

In medical school, I was taught to first ask patients about the symptoms that brought them in (i.e. chief complaint and review of systems). Instead, the approach of the infertility...

An Infertility Diagnosis Can Be As Stressful As...

Infertility is a condition that’s still largely taboo in public conversation, even though 1 in 6 women experience it. Or, when it is discussed, other people offer (mostly unwanted) advice:...

An Infertility Diagnosis Can Be As Stressful As...

Infertility is a condition that’s still largely taboo in public conversation, even though 1 in 6 women experience it. Or, when it is discussed, other people offer (mostly unwanted) advice:...